‘Rinning…Rinning…Rinning…’ shattered my dream world. Ooops! It was already 6.45 a.m. Quickly, I rushed as fast as a tiger to the bathroom and got ready for school on record time. I begged my father to rush me to school. As usual he obliged. He got up, stopped, laughed and then went back to bed.
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Muwasafat Tarbiyyah
10 Peribadi Muslim : As-Syahid Imam Hassan Al-Banna
Dari Ibnu Abbas, Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: “Rebutlah lima perkara sebelum datangnya lima perkara. Masa sihat sebelum sakit. Masa kaya sebelum datangnya masa sempit (miskin). Masa lapang sebelum tiba masa sibuk. Masa mudamu sebelum datang masa tua dan Masa hidup sebelum tiba masa mati.” (Riwayat al-Hakim dan al-Baihaqi).
Selasa, 8 November 2011
Essay 4 U
It was raining that Sunday morning. Waking up to the soft pattering on windowpanel. I felt cossiness and slight coldness in the bedroom. I hugged the pillow and stared to build a castle in the air at the ceiling.
‘Rinning…Rinning…Rinning…’ shattered my dream world. Ooops! It was already 6.45 a.m. Quickly, I rushed as fast as a tiger to the bathroom and got ready for school on record time. I begged my father to rush me to school. As usual he obliged. He got up, stopped, laughed and then went back to bed.
‘Rinning…Rinning…Rinning…’ shattered my dream world. Ooops! It was already 6.45 a.m. Quickly, I rushed as fast as a tiger to the bathroom and got ready for school on record time. I begged my father to rush me to school. As usual he obliged. He got up, stopped, laughed and then went back to bed.